Some sexy rehearsing going on. by Francisco Graciano

This was the first run of Private Domain.  And damn it's a sexy dance.  Enjoy the teaser and get ready for the 60th Anniversary season at Lincoln Center next March!

Robert Kleinendorst

Robert Kleinendorst

Sean Mahoney with Christina Lynch Markham and Eran Bugge

Laura Halzack

Jamie Rae by Francisco Graciano

Just playing with a some filters in Lightroom and Photoshop.  It's cheesy but I kind of liked it. The more I look though I think it might get old fast.  The full B&W would probably work better.

Raegan Wood by Francisco Graciano

Ladies and gents, Raegan Wood, former Taylor dancer, current Director of the Taylor School and all around brilliant human being.  To watch this woman at work is mesmerizing.  Her students of all ages hang on her every word and display an uncanny sense of focus and determination.  For more information on the Taylor School go to click here.